A collection of works of Scandinavian origin, in which the accordion duo TOEAC presents the accordion in a broad spectrum.
The program is a tribute to the repertoire of Scandinavia, where Pieternel Berkers and Renée Bekkers studied from 2009-2014. The repertoire celebrates their experiences in Denmark. It embraces multiple genres and serves as a “homecoming” after a multi-year stay in Scandinavia. Hence the both inevitable and appropriate title: Nordic Music.
Holberg Suite - Edward Grieg art. TOEAC
Alla Ballata by Torbjörn Lundquist
Fantasy for two accordions by Ketil Hvoslef
Tango Orgánico by Benjamin de Murashkin
Kommos by Klaus Ib Jorgensen
Waar te zien
Alle voorstellingen zijn al geweest, sorry
The accordion is hot again.
NRC Handelsblad

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